8. Announcing the final round of the Hungry for Power Games
As hard as Bernie Sanders truly tried to obtain the nomination from the Democratic party for president, he just didn’t have enough superdelegates to do so. When he finally dropped out of the race, it effectively turned it into a contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to become our next leader of the nation.
This brought Stephen Colbert to the final stages of his running segment, the Hungry for Power Games. Calling it “The Inevitable vs. The Unthinkable”, Colbert welcomed his viewers to the last round of the games, setting up a makeshift celebration to kick off the festivities outside of the studio with a crowd of Late Night fans watching.
For a lot of voters, never before has the choice to pick the next president become so hard. You’ll often hear people complaining about how both major parties’ choices are terrible, which led into Colbert’s introduction of the final stage of the game:
“Welcome to the beginning of the final round of the 2016 Hungry for Power Games. Yes! The conventions are complete, leaving behind a lot of confetti, and even more regretti. America has settled on their final two tributes: Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump. Two shall enter, we all might leave.”
Next: The lesser of two evils is still evil