30 most scorching Jon Stewart takedowns of Republicans

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The Daily Show (Comedy Central)
The Daily Show (Comedy Central)

6. Stewart defends Lebron James from Geraldo

The shooting deaths of unarmed black men all across the United States has become a widely-talked about issue in recent years, causing a divisiveness with citizens of the country. Many felt that there was no justice and that the police can simply get away with killing whomever they want.

Some American athletes got in on the protests for justice by wearing t-shirts to support the cause, including Lebron James donning an “I Can’t Breathe” shirt in the wake of Eric Garner’s suffocation death at the hands of police officers. The fellows at Fox News were raising a stink over this, inviting common guest Geraldo Rivera who said that James would be better off wearing a shirt with a message about being a better father and raising your children properly.

Stewart defended Lebron by pointing out that the basketball star actually lives the message of being a better father, and doesn’t need to write it out on a t-shirt. He then offered this rebuttal:

“Point taken, No, now, we have to respect the point. I mean, obviously one of these two men has five kids in various locations by multiple baby mamas, and the other is Lebron James.”

Next: 5. The worst time to retire