The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Recap – 1-14

Fallon has put the week back on track after a pretty serious start on Monday. Donald Trump kicked it off the week, and Jimmy played it straight with a pretty typical interview. Then Kevin Hart and Ken Jeong brought the funny. Now Jimmy’s getting political again with guest Hillary Clinton. Despite having a serious guest, Jimmy introduced some excellent bits, including a new photo bomb session. Here’s what happened on Thursday.


Jimmy kicked off the night with some jokes about Thursday’s guest Hillary Clinton. Apparently, she told Jimmy that she’s a big fan of the show, to which he replied, “I know. I saw in your emails.” He kept it political by showing some footage that surfaced of Bernie Sanders arguing a bill on the floor of congress in 1991. He doesn’t look much different today. Fallon switched gears to the Oscar nominees and the fact that they’re all white actors. He joked that host Chris Rock is going to have some fun.

Joke of the Monologue: “A self driving car was stuck driving around in circles. The police had to use spike strips to get it to stop, which is the first time police put a stop to donuts.”

To the Desk

Tonight Show Photobomb

Jimmy brought his friends from Sesame Street to do another round of Tonight Show Photobomb. You may remember when he did a similar bit with John Hamm, or with Chris Evans and Chris Pratt at the Super Bowl. The bit is back, and this time he used Sesame Street characters to surprise young kids. Check out the smile-inducing bit below.

Tonight Show Hashtags

It’s a Thursday show, and that means it’s time for Tonight Show Hashtags. This week’s hashtag has to do with the huge Powerball lottery. It’s #IfIWonPowerball. Here are some of the best.

The Guests

Hillary Clinton

Fallon and Hillary talked about the republican debate. The fourth republican debate aired along side of Thursday’s Tonight Show. Hillary says she usually doesn’t have time to watch them, because she’s usually not home. Jimmy asked if she saw Trump on Monday’s show. She said no, and that Trump is way more obsessed with her than she is with him. Shots fired!! Jimmy shifted gears to some softball questions about sleep. Hillary gave some advice for staying awake when she needed to. She tells a story of when she used to have to stay awake. She used to dig her nails into her palms. That’s certainly intense. Jimmy harnessed the power of social media by taking a Snapchat with Hillary from Hillary’s account. They took a video and even one of the comical video filters.

Things got serious after the break when Jimmy asked her about the polls with her and her opponent Bernie Sanders. Jimmy asked her why she thinks her lead has become close with Bernie. She said that early polls don’t mean much, and numbers always get closer as Iowa gets closer. Jimmy asked about endorsements, and if they’re a big deal. She replied with her recent endorsement from Planned Parenthood, and that she’s proud of that endorsement.

Jimmy finished the interview with a job interview just like he did with Trump on Monday. He asked typical job interview questions like “How did you hear about the position?” and “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Hillary pretty much nailed it, and even tried to hijack the interview at one point with some relatable humor about typing on an iPhone. Jimmy closed it by asking, “Is there an email address we can reach you at?” Good one!

Lucy Liu

There wasn’t much time left for Lucy Liu who stars in Elementary and the upcoming Kung Fu Panda 3. They talked about their children. Lucy just had a baby girl. After a lot of baby talk, she talked about season 4 of Elementary. She’s going to be directing another episode in the upcoming season. The interview was brief, but ended with a clip from Kung Fu Panda 3.

Next: The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Recap - 1/13

The episode ended with a solid performance from Flo Rida. The week is almost finished with just one more episode. Check back tomorrow when Jimmy welcomes Ray Romano and Lucy Hale.