Bill Maher on Real Time this week, discussed the midterm elections, expressing fear over it’s possible outcome.
The host bluntly claimed during his monologue on Friday night: “Rules are about to go out the window”
The most important election ever
Maher addressed his worry about a Republican party win. Bill told viewers, “Democracy is on the ballot and unfortunately it’s going to lose.”
This fear stems from the idea that once in power, the Republican party will do everything in their power to destroy democracy. The HBO show host is extremely concerned with the idea of electing political figures who deny the validity of the 2020 election.
Former President Trump spouted unverifiably claimed that the election was stolen from him, with a number of Republicans echoing the same message.
What’s next?
Maher continued to explain what would happen once the Republicans take control of Congress. “They will begin impeaching Biden and never stop,” he said.
The problem with this? “Biden will be a crippled duck when he goes up against the 2024 Trump…”
Maher claimed that come inauguration day 2025, Trump, no matter the outcome of the election will be there and won’t take no for an answer. This time, he will have the army of election deniers who are being elected on Tuesday.
"“There are almost 300 candidates on the ballot this year who don’t believe in ballots.”"
A step closer to Authoritarianism
Bill Maher pointed out the inevitable conundrum that election deniers will be the ones monitoring votes for the 2024 election. In Maher’s eyes, this will lead to a guaranteed Trump 2nd term in office.
The late-night host expressed his feeling that the way the election is being predicted, it will lead to elected politicians, way too hungry for power to ever back down.
“When the election deniers are elected [it’s] often how countries slide into authoritarianism…by electing the people who then have no intention of giving it back.” Maher divulged.
Horrified by the reality of the situation, Bill Maher announced: “This is the, ‘it can’t happen to us’ moment, that’s happening to us right now!”
A farewell
To close out the segment, Maher bid farewell to things that, “really did make America great.”
The first to have its goodbye was the peaceful transfer of power. The host described it as, “a jewel in our crown.”
The Bill of Rights also received a farewell from Maher because, “when there is no accountability at the ballot box, there are no actual rights.”
Like many others, the show host seemed very concerned about America’s future. All will be revealed as the midterms steer closer…
Want more from Bill Maher? Look no further than his Club Random podcast. It’s full of hidden gems. Read all the latest from the host here, too.