Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at conservatives defending Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

Late Night with Seth Meyers may have a new favorite target for “A Closer Look” in Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. The controversial lawmaker from Georgia has yet to be completely condemned by the Republican Party, prompting a closer look from Seth Meyers.

Rep. Greene has been criticized for her history of spreading conspiracy theories about everything from school shootings to forest fires. Democrats plan to vote to strip her of her committee positions—something that the Republican Party has hesitated to do.

Part of the hesitation from the GOP stems from Rep. Greene’s support from former President Donald Trump. The ex-president clearly has tremendous influence over the Republican Party, leading several Republicans to either defend Rep. Greene or avoid confronting the issue.

The situation is symptomatic of the underlying issues within the Republican Party and conservative movement, says Seth Meyers. It is an argument he has made time and time again in “A Closer Look” and one he returned to last night on Late Night.

Seth Meyers sees no way Republicans can step up and do the right thing

“A Closer Look” opened with Seth Meyers recapping how Republicans are still unwilling to hold former President Trump accountable for the Capitol riot. Meyers specifically calls out Senator Lindsey Graham for his comment suggesting that an impeachment trial would force an investigation into the planning behind the insurrection and the security lapses at the Capitol. Meyers does not quite understand how providing more evidence and information is a threat.

Meyers uses the lack of accountability for President Trump to argue that no one in the Republican Party can now be held responsible for reprehensible behavior. He cites the conspiracy theories shared by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republicans’ unwillingness to punish her for her actions.

Once again it is Sen. Graham who gets namechecked by Meyers for refusing to condemn Rep. Greene’s comments. Senator Tommy Tuberville and Fox News anchors join Meyers’ list of conservatives who can’t bring themselves to say the right thing.

It is this fundamental difference between the two political parties that Meyers highlights as the biggest problem facing the country. The Late Night host wonders how we can face the crises of the pandemic, poverty, and hunger when one party is “radicalizing against democracy” in a desperate bid for power.

What did you think of this installment of “A Closer Look”? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.