What should Last Week Tonight with John Oliver fans expect to see tonight on HBO?
Anyone who thought that things would calm down after the election just hasn’t been paying attention. Late night television has continued to stay on top of everything week after week. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is no exception.
Season seven has mostly been split between covering the novel coronavirus pandemic and the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In reality, the two subjects go hand-in-hand as the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic became the top topic of conversation for John Oliver.
That was the case last week during Last Week Tonight‘s main story. It was also the season seven finale.
That’s right, the season finale was last Sunday. There will not be a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver tonight. Oliver said goodbye to his void with a little help from his latest obsession, Adam Driver:
There is still plenty of Last Week Tonight content to enjoy
The great thing about Last Week Tonight segments are their rewatch value. Because John Oliver covers so much information in such a short amount of time, it can be easy to miss something or to need to go back and hear it again.
You can check out some recaps from Last Night On below. Be sure to let us know which one was your favorite.
- A recap of election week
- The connection between jury duty and racism
- Teaching slavery in U.S. classrooms
Of course, you can also check out segments on the show’s official YouTube channel. You can also watch episodes on HBO Max.
What did you think of the season seven finale? Let us know in the comment section and keep checking Last Night On for more news and highlights from late night television.