Stephen Colbert reacted to the doom and gloom theme of the Republican National Convention
After just the first night of the Republican National Convention, it’s clear to Stephen Colbert that the GOP is living in a much different world than the Democratic Party. Last night on The Late Show, Colbert’s live monologue sorted through the dark vision the Republican Party has of America.
When The Late Show went live after night one of the Democratic National Convention, Stephen Colbert admitted he was feeling a renewed sense of hope. That theme carried throughout his coverage of the DNC as he wrapped up with a passionate endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden.
The complete opposite came through on Monday night as Colvert watched the Republican National Convention. Addresses from Kimberly Guilfoyle, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, and Donald Trump, Jr. led Colbert to call the night “a long midnight of the soul.”
It is likely a theme that will continue throughout the week as President Donald Trump and his allies make the case against Vice President Joe Biden and the “radical left.” And like last night on The Late Show, Colbert will have an answer each night.
Stephen Colbert says the RNC proved the Republican Party has become a cult around President Trump
Like political pundits and commentators, late-night hosts have also noted how President Trump has completely dominated the Republican Party. Seth Meyers routinely notes that the president is a symptom of a longstanding corruption within the conservative movement. According to Stephen Colbert, that “symptom” has now become the central figure of a cult, not a political party.
Colbert doesn’t need to look any further than the GOP forgoing an official platform for the 2020 RNC. Instead, the party released a one-page document stating its undying support for President Trump.
The Late Show host’s argument that the GOP is a cult only got more ammunition as night one of the RNC went on. Colbert monologue charts how President Trump’s promise of a positive, uplifting message was immediately contradicted by each speech delivered. And in each speech, President Trump was the only person who could pull the country out of the dark, dystopian present it finds itself in.
The Democratic National Convention gave Stephen Colbert a feeling of hopefulness. The start of the Republican National Convention simply amused the Late Show host and made it a little easier to envision a future without Donald Trump in the White House.
What did you think of Stephen Colbert’s monologue? Share your thoughts in the comment section. The Late Show will be live all week following the Republican National Convention so keep checking Last Night On for all the highlights.