Stephen Colbert speaks out against government intimdiation

Stephen Colbert (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for The Orchard)
Stephen Colbert (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for The Orchard)

Stephen Colbert delivered a message to the American people in Friday’s monologue.

A number of images and video clips from the past weeks have exposed violence against protests across the country. Tactics and countermeasures from the highest levels of government have also been criticized as only escalating tension. In response, Stephen Colbert delivered a message of encouragement and inspiration to the people on Friday night.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has already attacked the White House and President Donald Trump for the treatment of protestors in Washington, D.C. Colbert warned that the example set by the federal government would have a trickle-down effect on local police departments.

There now exists more and more evidence that Colbert is using to prove his point. Social media has helped spread video and stories from several violent encounters among police and protestors.

On Friday, Colbert was back with a new message in the face of such intimidation. Between punchlines, he aimed at inspiring American citizens and reminding the government where the power truly resides:

Stephen Colbert says that President Donald Trump is afraid of the people.

Colbert condemned the acts in Buffalo, Asheville, and elsewhere. But once again, a majority of his focus was on the nation’s capital. A collection of law enforcement agencies patrolling the streets and officers without identification are things Colbert says he’d never imagine seeing in the U.S.

These shows of force and intimidation are reportedly part of Attorney General Bill Barr’s plan to “flood the zone” with as many law enforcement personnel as possible. It comes as the Trump administration brand protestors as “terrorists.”

It all leads Colbert to conclude that the president is afraid of the American people. A lawful and peaceful assembly to identify grievances has been met with violence and intimidation, says Colbert, proving that the government is too weak to stop the movement.

Colbert closes out his monologue by addressing any concerns one could have about supporting the protests’ goals. The Late Show host argues that unifying for real change will benefit everyone and remind the government that it represents the will of the people:

"There are just too many voices in too many cities and towns from Hawaii to Maine all demanding that every American receive equally the first government benefit ever promised us: the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And you’re not going to intimidate them."

This was one of Colbert’s best monologues in terms of emphasizing commentary over comedy. It was another reminder of why so many people turn to The Late Show in times of uncertainty. The host ensures that along with being entertained, an honest conversation can be had too.

What did you think of Stephen Colbert’s monologue? Share your thoughts in the comment section. Keep checking Last Night On for more from The Late Show and the rest of late night television.