Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with classic Conan O’Brien clips
By Matt Moore
Conan O’Brien at the Irish American Heritage Center
We found out that Conan O’Brien is 100% Irish. He was right at home when he visited the Irish American Heritage Center when Conan taped from Chicago.
The one-time elementary school offered O’Brien the chance to be transported to Ireland while never leaving Illinois. He found himself buying Taytos at an authentic shop, learning to step dance, and finding bar after bar after bar.
There aren’t too many celebrities who can get away with kicking a girl on the face. But somehow O’Brien manages to do it and get a laugh from the audience. Credit to the young girl who not only took the foot to the face but did it with a smile and kept drumming. And it was a nice touch that O’Brien ensured she got an extra round of applause from the Conan crowd in Chicago.
The real star of the show here is Maureen O’Looney. She hangs in there as well as anyone has when O’Brien runs wild through her shop. O’Looney became a fan favorite among those who revisit this clip, some even taking the time to shine a light on her impressive life and career.