Stephen Colbert’s top five Trump takedowns of 2019

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert during Thursday's March 7, 2019 show. Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert during Thursday's March 7, 2019 show. Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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1. All the other reasons Trump is a bad president

It is fitting that on a show that made lists popular, the number Late Show monologue of 2019 features a list. But unlike David Letterman, Stephen Colbert needed more than 10 examples to prove his point.

This monologue from March came during the Mueller report madness. Leading up to the report’s release, Colbert seemed convince that it would undo Donald Trump’s presidency. But as we found out, it wouldn’t be alleged collusion with Russia but an alleged quid pro quo with Ukraine that brought impeachment to the White House doorstep.

Mueller’s report found no clear evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. While this news may have surprised Colbert, it certainly did not change his mind on the president. So the Late Show host decided to remind everyone why collusion or not, President Trump remaining in charge is a bad thing.

Colbert sounded a little defeated in this monologue. He had high expectations for the Mueller report. Yet he still delivered a scathing monologue that played like a greatest hits as he covered countless Trump scandals and examples of incompetence and hypocrisy.

What do you think of these monologues? Which one was your favorite from 2019? Let us know in the comment section and be sure to check back with Last Night On for coverage of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and the rest of late night television in 2020.