Stephen Colbert did his best to make sense of President Donald Trump’s six-page rant sent to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Stephen Colbert is treating the impeachment like a holiday and it now seems like President Donald Trump is doing the same. On impeachment eve, President Trump wrote a letter making his case for why he doesn’t belong on the naughty list and sent it to the one person making the decision: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
On Tuesday night, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert took on the responsibility of checking the list twice, doing its best to break down President Trump’s letter. The letter to Speaker Pelosi is the latest in the White House’s long, and shifting, line of defense against abuse of power allegations.
Colbert has been monitoring and routinely dismantling the defense of President Trump. As Republicans try to come to the President’s aid, Colbert has been just as quick to dismiss their talking points and call out examples of what he sees as hypocrisy or corruption.
Colbert’s job was a little more difficult on Tuesday night. That’s not because the late night host is losing his edge. Instead, it was President Trump’s rambling, tweetstorm-esque letter that was hard to unpack. But once again, Colbert delivered.
You probably won’t find a better summary of President Trump’s letter than “a disorienting mish-mash of dry legal language mixed in with Trump’s signature angry word smoothies.” One would think that President Trump would have his counsel or other legal scholars draft the letter to Speaker Pelosi. But instead the letter features much of the language used by President Trump, or more accurately @realdonaldtrump.
Much has been made in recent weeks about invoking members of President Trump’s family during these impeachment proceedings. Yet when the President suggested that Speaker Pelosi inflicted great pain upon his family, Stephen Colbert didn’t hold back in calling out the hypocrisy and got one of the biggest reactions from the studio audience.
But even after that, Colbert takes things to another level when it comes to President Trump taking no responsibility. His punchline closing out the monologue was among the harshest fans have heard on the President from the Late Show host.
President Donald Trump’s letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was one for the history books. No matter how impeachment ends up, the letter will no doubt be studied and discussed for years to come. Here’s hoping that someone can make as much sense of it as Stephen Colbert did.