In “A Closer Look,” Seth Meyers blasted President Trump for making treason accusations and revealed how Republicans have failed to defend Trump.
The scandal involving President Donald Trump, Ukraine, and a whistleblower remains the most important story in the news. Updates along with twists and turns in the story seem to be coming by the hour. Trump and his allies have tried to stay ahead of things and maintain his innocence of any wrongdoing. They are failing, says Seth Meyers.
The Ukraine scandal is unfolding in real time which is making it easier for the public to understand and harder for the White House to defend. Team Trump’s defense strategy doesn’t appear to be built on a strong foundation.
A major part of that poor defense has been because of Rudy Giuliani. President Trump’s personal lawyer remains a central figure in the Ukraine story. He has also made things worse through his television appearances, something Late Night with Seth Meyers pointed out in a previous edition of “A Closer Look.”
Other Republicans haven’t done much better in spinning the story or making it clear that there was no untoward behavior from the White House. Trump has tried taking matters into his own hands (or thumbs) by taking to Twitter.
As Seth Meyers explained in Monday night’s “A Closer Look,” nothing is working. The reality of the situation is catching up to President Trump and Meyers argues the President doesn’t have the mental capacity to handle it. Meanwhile, GOP members who have hitched their wagons to the President are also going off the rails.
Meyers highlights the dangers of the President accusing others of treason and threatening the whistleblower. While this is a very serious concern, Meyers admits that it is only because everyone largely ignores President Trump that it hasn’t become a problem. When it comes to accusing his opponents of crimes and illegal activities, Trump has become the the boy who cried wolf. Or to put it like Meyers, the guy taking a dump in a subway car.
Trump’s behavior in this situation is predictable. But why Meyers really focuses on is the attempts by Republicans to defend the President’s actions. It is an issue that “A Closer Look” has explored in the past as the GOP has rallied to Trump’s defense after just about every controversy.
The problem this time, according to Meyers, is just how terrible of a job they are doing in defending President Trump. Stephen Miller, Jim Jordan, and Rudy Giuliani are highlighted by Meyers as among those who were flailing on cable news without a legitimate excuse for President Trump.
It is clear that there is still more to come out about President Donald Trump, Ukraine, and his conversations with foreign leaders. It’s unlikely that it will be good news for the White House, meaning more Republicans will have to go on the defensive. And when they do, Late Night with Seth Meyers will be taking a closer look at it all.