Seth Meyers on why Trump’s Ukraine memo is damning in A Closer Look

Late Night With Seth Meyers (Photo by: NBC)
Late Night With Seth Meyers (Photo by: NBC)

Late Night with Seth Meyers used “A Closer Look” to explain why Donald Trump’s memo on his call with Ukraine means more bad news for the President.

Wednesday was spent by every media outlet and political pundit poring over the the summary released by the White House detailing President Donald Trump’s conversation with the president of Ukraine. It wasn’t easy to keep up with each new development or what the fallout could be on the heels of the impeachment inquiry. Seth Meyers did his best to lay it all out in “A Closer Look.”

Late Night already took a deep dive into the origins of the Ukraine scandal. But Trump’s decision to release a summary of the phone call took things to a whole new level. The White House’s goal of dismissing the controversy by arguing there was no “quid pro quo” in the memo backfired.

Instead, the memo revealed a clear instance of Trump bringing up former Vice President Joe Biden and asking the Ukrainian president for a “favor.” Many people reacting to the release online and in the media were shocked at how revealing the memo was in regard to Trump’s behavior.

At the end of a long news day, it can be refreshing to turn to Seth Meyers for a recap. Fans get the right balance of laughs and a recap of what happened. Wednesday night’s “A Closer Look” explored how the phone call can inform the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Stephen Colbert told late night fans to “buckle up” when news about the impeachment broke. Here, Seth Meyers seems to be adding on “wear a helmet” when trying to convey just how big this scandal with Ukraine has become for President Trump.

Meyers reminds his viewers that this scandal is one of Trump’s own making. Russian interference in the 2016 election on Trump’s behalf did not have any consequences for the President. It appears as though Trump tried to press his luck again with Ukraine only to be called out by a whistleblower. Then he chose to release a summary of the call that includes some damning evidence.

Not too long ago, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver suggested that incompetence and disregard for the law actually saved Trump’s presidency. Seth Meyers is here to suggest it is finally catching up to Trump after releasing a summarized version of the transcript with Ukraine.

Late night shows are not going to stop covering politics, especially when this latest scandal around President Donald Trump looks like it will only get bigger. But in covering these stories, Late Night with Seth Meyers continues to deliver an entertaining spin on the stories so many of us are trying to understand.