Jim Gaffigan joined Jimmy Kimmel for an animal segment that had both comedians running scared.
Animal expert Dave Salmoni always makes an impression when he visits Jimmy Kimmel Live!. No other guest can get Jimmy Kimmel to push away from the desk. It was more of the same on Wednesday night’s show even with Jim Gaffigan lending his support.
Dave Salmoni has been appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live! for years now. It is very clear that Kimmel is nervous around animals, whether it is just him and Salmoni or if another guest is there to potentially distract an animal.
It also doesn’t matter if the animals Salmoni showcases are cute and cuddly or if they look a little more intimidating. Kimmel gets uneasy and can even try to speed up the segment. Only Matt Damon seems to get worse treatment on Jimmy Kimmel Live! than Salmoni’s animals.
Wednesday night’s visit started off with an animal more irritable than cuddly. Watch as Kimmel and comedian Jim Gaffigan attempt to keep their distance from a snapping turtle and more:
Sometimes Kimmel’s fear of an animal can seem exaggerated or played up for the camera. You can usually go by Salmoni’s reaction to tell if there is actually any cause for concern. And with that snapping turtle, he really made a point to keep Kimmel and Gaffigan out of range from that mouth.
Kimmel was certainly keeping his guard up while the turtle was on his desk. However, he managed to focus just long enough to get a sight gag in with the half-eaten hot dog. Gaffigan chimed in as well, showing that even in the face of “danger” comedians are looking for the joke. Maybe it is Kimmel’s mayoral campaign that inspired this particular joke.
We also get to see an owl and a skunk, which Salmoni explained pees on other animals to spread that infamous stench. Sadly, Kimmel had to bump a toucan from the show along with Matt Damon.
Dave Salmoni’s new show Big, Small and Deadly premieres Aug. 20 on Animal Planet. Whether Jimmy Kimmel likes it or not, you can be sure that Salmoni will be back on Jimmy Kimmel Live! before long.