Stephen Colbert exposes why Trump’s tariff deal with Mexico was fake

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert during Wednesday's March 13, 2019 show. Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert during Wednesday's March 13, 2019 show. Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Stephen Colbert calls President Trump ‘The Lyin’ King’ for claiming a big win over Mexico in border negotiations.

We all know that President Donald Trump likes a good nickname. However, he probably wouldn’t appreciate one at his own expense. But the latest on border and tariff negotiations with Mexico left Stephen Colbert with no choice but to dub Trump “The Lyin’ King.”

Colbert opened Monday night’s Late Show by going over President Trump’s claim that his tariff threats motivated Mexico to increase border security to prevent Central American migrants from moving through the country towards the U.S. The problem, as Colbert explained, was that the agreement was made months before any talk of tariffs.

Tariffs have been a big part of the Trump administration’s economic plan and foreign policy. It has also become a frequent topic for discussion on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The late night host previously called the president the “Tariff Man.” Colbert just recently ripped Trump over tariffs again in an issue separate from Mexico.

So knowing that Colbert has been keeping a close eye on how Trump talks about and enacts tariffs, it is not all that surprising that Monday’s Late Show started by calling out Trump for misleading the public once again:

Trump’s decision to portray old agreements as new breakthroughs in negotiations is certainly strange in Colbert’s eyes. It is possible that the president either forgot when the original agreement was reached or is becoming increasingly desperate for good news here in the U.S.

Still, if the president wants to get the good word out then he should probably make sure those words are accurate. Colbert points out a report contradicting Trump’s claim that Mexico agreed to purchase more agricultural products from American farmers.

Colbert may have figured out the reasoning behind it all by the end of the clip. Reciting the president’s tweet reveals that Trump was looking for credit and the be applauded in the media. When that didn’t happen, he did his normal thing and lashed out while also bringing up President Barack Obama once again.

President Donald Trump is looking for a win anyway he can get one. His European trip wasn’t all that celebrated and impeachment talks are heating up even more. For Stephen Colbert, this all adds up to a strategy based on claiming new victories for old news. We may be seeing more of it as the summer rolls on, so keep watching.