10. Paranormal Occurrence
Our countdown begins with a familiar face. Kate McKinnon stars in another “Paranormal Occurrence” sketch, this time with host Liev Schreiber. This sketch came in episode five on November 10, 2018.
Schreiber was a surprise pick to host to some Saturday Night Live fans. He wasn’t exactly known for comedy despite making a cameo in a previous SNL episode. Schreiber’s episode ended up making headlines for a “Weekend Update” piece addressing the controversy between Pete Davidson and Representative Dan Crenshaw. Crenshaw appeared alongside Davidson a week after Davidson was criticized for mocking Crenshaw’s appearance.
But back to McKinnon and her run in with ghosts. We’ve seen this sketch a number of times and we know exactly where it’s going each time. It doesn’t matter if it is aliens, time travel, or ghosts. Despite that, it still hits as Cecily Strong and Schreiber set up McKinnon for increasingly bizarre recollections of her encounter. In almost every version of this concept, the host breaks. Schreiber can’t resist laughing as McKinnon explains how it was “a little different” for her.
The highlight of these sketches is the absurd ways in which McKinnon’s character describes her own body. This time we hear about her “scuzzy” and her “fuzzy” as well as her “baby tunnel” and “gravy funnel.”