Stephen Colbert reacted to Joe Biden launching his campaign for president in 2020 and looked at why it makes President Trump nervous.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert returned from one week break but showed no signs of rust. Colbert picked up right where he left off by focusing on the 2020 election now that former vice president Joe Biden has entered the race.
Biden may have been popular during the Barack Obama years but some have questioned whether he may have missed his opportunity for the Oval Office. On a side note however, Biden running for president certainly opens up more opportunities for Jason Sudeikis.
Yet if some Democrats and voters are hoping a different candidate is able to standout from the pack of 20, President Donald Trump has already become fixated on Biden. Trump and Biden had a few back-and-forths during the 2016 election and not surprisingly, the president has not forgotten.
But while Trump calling someone out usually means he is on the offensive, Stephen Colbert sees things a bit differently. For Colbert, Biden has already put Trump on defense and that makes the president nervous.
The comments about Charlottesville are one thing that the president should probably avoid revisiting. He is not one to apologize for his words so nothing else is going to improve what he said. Colbert points out that by Biden bringing it up again, he got Trump to make another error by trying to justify what he said.
It’s hard to imagine it will make much difference considering the original comments didn’t change anyone’s mind about President Trump one way or the other. But it did help Colbert point out that Trump hit a new milestone in his streak of false or misleading claims.
Those 10,000 “false and misleading claims” have been quite the comedy resource for Stephen Colbert. They have helped The Late Show challenge The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in the ratings. They’ve also given Colbert the material for some of his best monologues and reactions to the White House.
We still have a long way to go before the 2020 election gets here. That means that there will be more shots traded between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It also means that the president may add on to those 10,000 claims. When that happens, you can be sure Stephen Colbert will be ready to respond!