Stephen Colbert called out Attorney General William Barr for spinning the Mueller report before its release.
The long wait for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report finally ended on Thursday. Though heavily redacted, the report did shed more light on Russian electoral interference and President Donald Trump’s efforts to derail the investigation. And as you might expect Stephen Colbert had a lot to say about the Mueller report.
The report and the Trump administration have been focal points for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Any concerns about “Trump fatigue” or the show being too one-sided have been proven unnecessary given Colbert’s standings in the ratings.
It is clear that fans are eager to hear what Colbert has to say about Trump and everyone surrounding the president. Every news story on Robert Mueller’s investigation provided more material for Colbert’s monologues and in turn led to more late night fans tuning in to The Late Show.
Now that the redacted version of the Mueller report is out, Colbert had even more than ever to say. He kicked off Thursday night’s show by taking aim at Attorney General William Barr. Barr held a press conference prior to the report’s release in what was a clear attempt to establish a narrative before the public could read about the investigation.
Colbert has mastered the ability to hide his frustration behind his humor. It’s clear that he’s upset by Barr’s actions but knows what’s expected from The Late Show fans. The problem for Colbert seems to be how blatant Barr was in acting like Trump’s lawyer despite being the attorney general. Yet there was, and probably will not be, any accountability.
Reading the full report also gave Colbert the chance to criticize Barr for the four-page summary when Mueller first submitted his final report. Again, this was Barr spinning the story before the full truth could be released according to Colbert.
For Colbert, Barr’s third strike came during the press conference where he lied about what Robert Mueller said regarding the Office of Legal Counsel opinion on indicting a sitting president. It seems strange that Barr would mislead the public on something that could be so clearly checked once the report was published. But as Colbert says, it is par for the course when it comes to Team Trump.
It sounds as if Congress isn’t ready to follow along with William Barr’s story when it comes to the Mueller report. The Democrat-led House will no doubt investigate every lead from the report and reach a conclusion on where to go next. When that happens, you can be sure people will be turning to Stephen Colbert for his take once again.