Stephen Colbert discussed a new book on how golf can help explain President Donald Trump.
Stephen Colbert may have gone too far is in his feud with Donald Trump. The Late Show host can question the president’s legitimacy, his character, and intelligence. But to challenge Trump’s ability as a golfer? That may be over the line in Trump’s world.
It is well known how much President Trump loves the game of golf. He owns and operates courses all over the world. He has played golf or been on the grounds of a golf course over 170 times since taking office. This is after he claimed he would be too busy to play golf once elected president.
Stephen Colbert is President Trump’s biggest critic in late night. He has mocked the president’s marriage, mental state, and policies while in office. Trump has occasionally responded by calling Colbert and other late night hosts “boring” with “no talent.”
But it seems as though Trump cares more about his reputation as a golfer than anything else, including as a president. That is a major point of Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump, a book by sportswriter Rick Reilly. Colbert picked up on the book during last night’s Late Show.
Colbert discusses how Trump disregards both the rules and etiquette of golf. It is easy to see the parallels between that and the president’s approach to politics. Golf is a game that is self-governed and it is clear from Reilly’s book that Trump takes advantage of that by cheating. Transferring that approach to politics is far more risky considering the oversight is far more intense then someone checking if you nudge your ball out of the rough with your foot.
Trump exaggerating his golf abilities is comical as well as alarming. He has demonstrated a habit of telling lies about things that don’t need to be lied about, including most recently regarding windmill noise causing cancer. This is something that late night loves to pick up on because it’s just so easy to mock.
The weather is getting nicer around the country by the day. Golf season is picking up which means that President Trump will only be more eager to get out on the course. Rick Reilly’s book and Stephen Colbert’s jokes probably won’t change how he plays but we can guarantee the jokes won’t stop either.