Stephen Colbert traced the road that led to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address being cancelled amid the government shutdown.
The long list of “firsts” and abnormalities during President Donald Trump’s tenure in office has now become a little bit longer. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will not invite Trump to make his State of the Union address. To understand how exactly it came to this, Stephen Colbert did his best to piece it all together.
This will be the first time a president has not been invited to deliver the State of the Union address. Few people knew about the stipulation that the president even needed to be invited to the House Chamber to give the speech.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s is against the speech during the government shutdown as so many federal employees go without pay. President Trump sees this as a purely political move and has suggested he will hold an alternative event to get his message out to the people.
The tension between Pelosi and Trump has become a favorite topic for Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. He expressed shock at how the two acted towards each other in the Oval Office and has been keeping an eye on things ever since. Last night, he tried to figure out exactly how the State of the Union was cancelled.
Colbert immediately draws a parallel between the situation with the address and the actual state of the union. From there, it’s clear who’s side he’s on in the back-and-forth between Pelosi and Trump. However that doesn’t stop him from pointing out how juvenile the letters between the two sound.
An important part of this segment is Colbert addressing President Trump’s claim that Speaker Pelosi is preventing him from making his speech. But as Colbert says, it’s bartender rules. Trump is free to say whatever he wants, he just cant’ do it in Pelosi’s House Chambers.
If no resolution is reached, expect the president to put on some sort of spectacle that will be celebrated by his supporters and maligned by his critics. Politics aside, it will be another “first” for the Trump administration. And it will certainly provide plenty more material for Stephen Colbert as at least something good can come from this debacle.