With more HBO shows returning, should fans expect an all-new Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?
It is getting to be the time of year that is best for watching television. Much of the country is getting hit with cold wintry weather that makes it easier to stay home and tune in. No place seems to have the selection of quality shows like HBO. A big part of their lineup the past few years has been Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
Since John Oliver moved over to HBO from his time on The Daily Show, he’s been an ever bigger success. The show has won multiple Emmy Awards and routinely gets millions of views on its YouTube clips. HBO has certainly taken notice and recently extended Oliver’s contract to keep him through the year 2020.
Now certainly feels like as good as a time as ever to hear from Oliver and his team of talented writers at Last Week Tonight. Between the government shutdown and Mueller investigation leaks, there is plenty to talk about. And then there are all the obscure topics that the show covers most people wouldn’t even know about until Oliver brings them up.
The other day saw the return of Real Time with Bill Maher to HBO. Along with Oliver, Bill Maher is a major part of HBO’s programming and has a similar influence on political and social commentary. So should we look for Oliver to follow along and give us a new episode tonight?
Sorry, folks. We all have to keep waiting. There will not be a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver for Jan. 20. The show remains on hiatus until it returns next month.
In the meantime, you can always revisit some of John Oliver’s best clips over on his YouTube channel. Or you can also look to get your dose of political humor from shows like Real Time, The Daily Show, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Keep checking back in with Last Night On for news and all the best highlights once Last Week Tonight returns!