President Donald Trump has tried to explain away his relationship with Michael Cohen but Stephen Colbert couldn’t help noticing a few inconsistencies.
Damage control efforts are in full swing at the White House after President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to prison. Everything from downplaying the severity of the allegations to dismissing Cohen’s role with Trump have been used. But leave it to Stephen Colbert to pick through it all on The Late Show.
It has become routine at this point for a scandalous story to break about Trump and friends and then Colbert to break it down on The Late Show and rack up millions of views on YouTube with each clip. It shows the strength of Colbert and his writers and explains his lead in the ratings. It also shows how eager people are to point the finger and laugh at Trump.
That doesn’t seem to be sitting so well with the president. We all know how much he cares for his reputation and how even the slightest comment about him can get under his skin. We’re talking about the most powerful man in the world who wants to cancel Saturday Night Live for making fun of him.
The problem is that Trump is the exact type of person that Stephen Colbert likes to satirize and turn into a punchline. To do that, Colbert took a close look at Trump’s interview with Fox News. Another problem for Trump? It didn’t require that close of an examination to see how the lies and contradictions piled up:
From a pure comedy standpoint, it is hilarious that President Trump thinks that criminals are getting reduced sentences in exchanging for publicly embarrassing him. It is a level of narcissism, incompetence, and unawareness that isn’t seen too often. The fact that Trump’s personal lawyer is going to jail is embarrassing enough. Or at least it should be.
Colbert wasn’t done after the Cohen talk. He had to call out Trump one more time, risking more embarrassment for the president. It’s hard to understand the context based on Colbert’s edit but it seems random for Trump to bring up the love gets from women. Regardless, Colbert reminded the president that paying women off doesn’t count as support.
But Colbert still wasn’t done thanks to Trump hitting on an old classic: the wall. The Late Show host recently expressed shock at the clash between Trump and Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office. This time Colbert questioned Trump’s understanding of how the federal budget worked in his attempt to claim Mexico will pay for the wall. The longer that campaign promise goes unfulfilled, the more embarrassing it is for Trump.
You would think there would be someone close to him telling President Trump to stop tweeting about these stories. Or that he shouldn’t be going for one-on-one interviews. But when your lawyer and confident flips on you and gets sent to jail, it’s probably hard to find someone to give you proper advice. It certainly looks like an embarrassing situation and one Stephen Colbert hopes will continue.