In order to keep up with everything coming out of Robert Mueller’s investigation, The Daily Show has created a new segment inspired by Michael Cohen.
Just a day after Trevor Noah explained how tough a week it was for Trump and friends, he was at it again. News broke that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen admitted to misleading Congress about business dealings in Russia. The Daily Show came up with a new way to cover the story.
Cohen’s guilty plea certainly makes it harder for the president to distance himself from ties to Russia. But no matter how the evidence looks or what connections are being made, President Trump is staying quiet on the matter and letting it all play out. Actually, check that. He tried very hard to explain it all away.
Trump’s explanation was problematic just as Cohen’s guilty plea was problematic. Trevor Noah and The Daily Show have been trying their best to explain everything to the viewers but it isn’t easy. So that’s why they decided to debut “Mo Mueller, Mo Problems” last night:
Noah does an excellent job of pointing out Trump’s “if I did it..” method of explanation. According to the president, Cohen is a liar but if he’s not lying then it doesn’t matter because nothing untoward occurred. At least, that seems to be Trump’s position. But it surely will change in a matter of days or weeks.
But Noah does make one mistake. A mistake that could take years off his life and lead him down a long winding road of confusion. He asked “why?” in response to Trump having anything to do with Russia. It’s a useless question to ask about anything Trump has done because it suggests there was some logic or ethics behind the decision making. Finding out why isn’t a problem Trevor Noah needs to solve. Save that one for Mr. Mueller.