Yes, Jimmy Kimmel’s Halloween candy prank is back for 2018

Jimmy Kimmel (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)
Jimmy Kimmel (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

The tradition enters its eighth year as Jimmy Kimmel once against asks parents to tell their children the Halloween candy is gone.

Some people may call it hilarious. Others may call it cruel. Whatever side you’re on, you can’t deny that Jimmy Kimmel has created a Halloween tradition unlike any other. And its back for 2018 so get those camera phones ready for the day after Halloween if you have kids to prank.

In the unlikely case you’re unfamiliar with this annual event from Jimmy Kimmel Live! then let us explain. Children are always excited for Halloween and the mounds and mounds of candy they collect during the night. Kimmel wants us to use that excitement against them all for the sake of the prank. Parents are encouraged to tell their children that they ate all the candy overnight and film the kids’ reactions.

Kimmel offered a more detailed recap of it on his Oct. 30 show along with a few highlights of past “participants.” Check it out:

Kimmel has become synonymous with pranks during his late night tenure. Typically they involve going after friends, his staff or family members like Aunt Chippy. It was the “twerking fail’ prank that caught the nation’s attention so much so that any odd event begs the question “Is this a Jimmy Kimmel prank?”

There is one drawback to this tradition now that they have become so popular and people are so eager to “go viral.” There is a good number of clips that usually get shown that are obviously faked or staged. But Kimmel, his staff, and we the viewers have to suspend disbelief and go along with it. We’ll see how the prank goes for 2018 when Kimmel gives us all the highlights.