The hosts and writers at every late night show were put on high alert when President Donald Trump announced his test of an emergency messaging system. Let’s look at each show’s take.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump texted you. It was the first test of the government’s emergency warning system designed to be used in a major disaster or threat. The president is already a prolific user of Twitter but now the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided him with a more official avenue of communication. And whatever your politics may be, we can agree that nobody likes getting spammed or messages from unknown numbers.
The late night hosts also have something in common: they take any chance they can to make a joke at Trump’s expense. With news about the alert system coming out in advance, there was plenty of time to prepare material ahead of Wednesday’s message making the rounds. So with that being said, let’s look at how some of the hosts reacted to Trump’s alert.
Late Night With Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers addressed the alert system at the top of his show. Meyers dropped three jokes in succession that alluded to Trump’s alleged misconduct and marriage to First Lady Melania Trump as well as a shot at T-Mobile. The wireless carrier probably didn’t expect to get caught in the crossfire of a late night bit on Trump texting the country, but Meyers’ typically goes for less obvious punchlines during his monologue behind the desk.