Last Week Tonight: Watch John Oliver break down sexual harassment

Last Week Tonight wiht John Oliver via HBO
Last Week Tonight wiht John Oliver via HBO /

After a hiatus lasting several weeks, John Oliver returned to HBO’s Last Week Tonight, devoting the entire show speaking about #MeToo and sexual harassment.

John Oliver’s comeback to HBO last night is bound to have a lot of people talking today!

For many weeks, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has been on a break. Sunday nights are always far less funny without Oliver on HBO, so needless to say, people were watching. And on this show, Oliver spent the whole program diving into the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, and the things being done to change things.

On the show, in addition to movements like MeToo and TimesUp, Oliver spoke about the incident in 1991 with Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Although she testified about it for hours, her words were ultimately not taken seriously, and Thomas was declared a Supreme Court justice. Looking at the headlines in just the past year alone, however, it’s clear that these types of claims are now taken much more seriously.

After spending some time speaking more about harassment (including showing hilarious snippets of an ’80s workplace training video on the subject), Oliver presents a surprise for the audience. He has invited Anita Hill herself for an interview to speak about the progress that’s been made since her early ’90s ordeal. During their conversation, Oliver asks Hill if men should be concerned of being accused of these things by women in the workplace. “Not if they’re not harassers,” she boldly replies.

You can watch the segment in full in the YouTube video below, courtesy of HBO.

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Will Oliver win an Emmy again this year as he did last year? We’ll have to wait and see. In any case, you can watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when the show airs Sunday nights on HBO!