Stephen Colbert destroys Jeff Sessions over border patrol policies

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, courtesy of CBS
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, courtesy of CBS /

With the inhumane treatment of immigrant families at the border coming to light, Stephen Colbert is destroying Jeff Sessions over his immigrant policies.

Stephen Colbert has something to say about what’s been going on at the border.

If you’re keeping up with what’s happening in the world, you know about the problems at the border separating the United States and Mexico. Families are literally being broken up to the extent of babies being separated from their mothers. Once it came to light how migrant children were being kept in literal cages akin to a prison, it was apparent that big changes needed to be made.

Last night on The Late Show, Colbert addressed Attorney General Jeff Sessions about these horrible immigrant policies. As Colbert reveals, a big reason why children are taken from their mothers is to deter them from trying to enter the country. Some parents are apparently being told their children are being taken away for baths, just as a way to separate them. “Clearly, no decent human being could defend that,” Colbert points out. “So Jeff Sessions just did.”

Despicably, as Colbert shows, Sessions pointed to a bible passage to justify the policy, claiming God wants people to “obey the laws of Government.” Colbert can’t help but wonder what happened to another famous Bible verse; Love thy neighbor as thyself. “Leave God out of this,” Colbert insists, noting how the practice is clearly “just plain wrong.” He encourages his viewers to start calling their elected representatives to demand changes, because if Americans allow this to happen, then they’re a “feckless” country.

You can watch Colbert’s take down in the YouTube video below.

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Hopefully by continuing to shine a light on these horrendous policies, we can bring about some changes for the better as soon as possible. As for Colbert, you can catch him when new episodes of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert air weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST on CBS!