Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, April 22nd?

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via HBO

Can fans of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver expect an all new episode to air tonight, the evening of April 22nd, 2018? We have all of the info here.

Last week, John Oliver had an awesome show when Last Week Tonight aired on HBO. He spent the bulk of the program speaking about the way American corporations abuse loopholes in the tax laws to let them avoid paying taxes, despite making billions of dollars in profits. Humorously, Oliver also spoke about the final Blockbuster video store in Alaska, donating some Russell Crowe memorabilia to the store to help keep it alive.

So, will the hilarity continue this week? Here’s the good news. Yes, there is a new episode premiering on HBO tonight! So let’s all tune in to see what Oliver has to say this week. We never know what the Emmy winner has in store for us! Presumably, he’ll be touching on what’s been happening with Donald Trump and Syria.

Oliver’s program is guaranteed to be on the air for at least another few years. HBO renewed the show last year through 2020, even before Oliver won the Emmy. So there’s some extra sweetener for all of you fans of his, knowing he’s not going anywhere for a long time.

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It should be a great time tonight, so remember to watch the show when it airs at 11 PM EST. Last Week tonight with John Oliver airs Sunday nights on HBO. Be sure to check back here at Last Night On for coverage!