Stephen Colbert isn’t going to miss Paul Ryan (Video)

via CBS
via CBS

After the sudden announcement from Paul Ryan that he will not be running for re-election in 2018, Stephen Colbert took to The Late Show to celebrate.

Let’s just say there’s no love lost on The Late Show for the soon to be retired Paul Ryan!

For those who haven’t heard, Ryan made headlines by announcing that he will not be seeking re-election in 2018. The announcement comes amid speculation that Ryan is bowing out now to avoid an expected Democratic sweep. In any case, Ryan is out, and all of his critics are already celebrating.

Last night on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Colbert brought up the news during his opening monologue. Colbert reveals that Ryan’s friends say the politician is stepping down because he’s now passed his “longtime dream” of passing tax reform, and now he wants to back away from Donald Trump – his “longtime nightmare.”

In the wake of Ryan’s announcement, even Trump took to Twitter to offer some parting words. The president talks about Ryan’s legacy before concluding, “We are with you Paul!” For added clarification. however, Colbert says, “Yes, Republicans are with you, Paul. And by with you, they mean leaving office in November. So, fare thee well!”

Of course, Colbert’s studio audience erupted into a raucous applause. Colbert sarcastically wishes Ryan well, wondering what he’ll do next, but it’s clear he’s not going to miss him at all.

You can watch the bit in the YouTube video below!

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Catch more from Colbert when The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airs weeknights at 11:35 PM EST only on CBS!