Jimmy Kimmel took to his late night talk show last night to speak about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifying about a data breach on the service.
One man’s corporation’s data breach is another man’s joke fodder!
Recently, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg found himself pretty deep in hot water. It was uncovered that the personal data of millions of Facebook users wound up in the hands of a foreign company. This was then used to target personal ads to users based on their information, but because nobody was informed about the data breach, Facebook may be in some serious legal trouble.
On last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel spoke about the situation in his opening monologue. Kimmel got a kick out of seeing Zuckerberg in his “big boy” clothes during his five hour grilling session in front of the Senate. For those that don’t know, Kimmel also summarizes the situation with the data breach.
Then Kimmel decides to have a little bit of fun with the whole thing. Using actual footage of Zuckerberg’s testimony, Kimmel creates a mock video imagining other questions coming from the Senators. This includes one asking Zuckerberg if being “poked” on Facebook refers to a “sex thing,” while another wants to be absolutely sure his wife won’t find out about the photos he sent to his intern.
You can watch this bit in the YouTube video below, courtesy of ABC.
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To see more from Kimmel, be sure to tune in when new episodes of Jimmy Kimmel Live air weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST only on ABC!