Late Night: Seth Meyers ‘interviews’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders

via NBC
via NBC

Late Night funnyman Seth Meyers created a mock interview with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders using actual footage from a press briefing.

Sometimes, it seems like Sarah Huckabee Sanders is too easy to make fun of. Still, it never gets old!

Last night, Seth Meyers had a bit of fun at Sanders’ expense on Late Night. The comic used actual clips of Sanders from a press briefing, trimming out her response to various questions. And then, to conduct his own parody interview, Meyers inserted his own bizarre questions, having Sanders “answer” them with a straight look on her face. Sure, it’s not real, but it’s oh so funny!

At the start, Meyers asks Sanders how the Trump administration is preparing for the end of Robert Mueller’s investigation. Sanders responds that they’re planning to go to Switzerland, presumably knowing that the results of what Mueller found out aren’t going to be good. But Meyers is just getting started!

From here, Meyers dives into a series of rapid fire questions with the White House press secretary. One after the other, they make Sanders, Trump, and the rest of their buddies look even more strange and inept. To make matters worse, Meyers even has Trump’s doctor come out to speak about the president’s health. But, of course, Meyers only uses that to humiliate the president even more.

You can watch the full bit in the YouTube video below.

Next: Stephen Colbert mocks Donald Trump with KFC bucket

Watch more from Seth when Late Night with Seth Meyers airs weeknights at 12:35 am EST on NBC.