Conan O’Brien’s late night talk show on TBS featured two former stars from The Office, creating a reunion for the show totally by accident.
There was a mini-reunion for the acclaimed sitcom The Office on Conan last night… but it wasn’t planned to be that way!
On the new episode of Conan, the hilarious Rainn Wilson was brought in as a guest. Of course, Rainn is best known even still for playing the fan favorite character Dwight Schrute on The Office. Similarly, actress Angela Kinsey was also booked to appear on the show that night. Kinsey played Angela Martin on the show, and even had a romantic storyline with Wilson’s character.
Though both performers were there to promote new projects, it still made for an interesting coincidence for fans of The Office. On the show, Conan himself explained how booking the two of them together was by accident, but that it’s really fun to see them together. O’Brien can’t help but wonder if fans react in certain ways when they see cast members in public together, and asks what that’s like when it happens.
Kinsey explains that fans typically freak out when seeing them together. But it’s a little more awkward for her, as he shares the same first name as her character. So when a fan calls out, “Angela!” she has to pause to try and figure out whether it’s a fan of the show or somebody who actually knows her.
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For more of Conan O’Brien, you can watch new episodes of Conan when they air weeknights at 11 PM EST on TBS.