Will there be an all new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiering tonight on HBO at the usual time? We have all of the info right here.
If you are here now, then you are a fan of John Oliver and wondering if there will be a new episode of Last Week On tonight. You’ve come to the right place, because we’ve got that answer for you!
Unfortunately, however, it’s bad news. NO, there isn’t a new episode of the show premiering tonight. Last week’s episode was actually the season finale, meaning the HBO funnyman is now on a hiatus until the show comes back sometime next year.
Not all is lost. HBO has already given the show a renewal through 2020, meaning that Oliver isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. After the break he will be back and we’ll have new episodes of the show leading us at least until the next general election for the president of the United States. Chances are we’re really going to need Oliver that year!
Meanwhile, Oliver’s HBO colleague Bill Maher also picked up a renewal into 2020 for his own series, Real Time.
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So, to reiterate the bad news. No, there won’t be a new episode of the series tonight, nor will there be one for a little while. But as mentioned above, Oliver will be around for at least a few more years. So bear with the break and hang tight until the series returns in 2018.