Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, October 29th?

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Will there be an all new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver coming back to HBO tonight? We have all the info for you right here.

Last week, fans of Last Week Tonight were left disappointed as the show was on a hiatus. However, Season 4 is not over just yet, and there are still a few new episodes left to go. So, when does the show return? Will it be tonight??

Calm down, imaginary person. Yes, Oliver will in fact be back on tonight with a premiere episode of the show! Just in time for the Halloween season, I can’t help but wonder if the Emmy winning funnyman will be showing up in costume. Perhaps some Milhouse glasses with a blue wig, at least, considering how often people throw the “British Milhouse” nickname his way!

After tonight, there are only two episodes left for this season. That is, of course, the bad news. The first two Sundays in November will feature the final two episodes of the show for this season. However, keep in mind that Last Week Tonight has been renewed by HBO through 2020, meaning Oliver is not going anywhere for a while. The break between seasons is mildly a nuisance, sure, but it’s good to know we can expect it to stay on for the next several years.

So, just to recap things you decided to skip straight to the last paragraph. Yes, there’s a new episode of Last Week Tonight on tonight! So be sure to tune in to HBO so you don’t miss it!