Alec Baldwin returned as Donald Trump in the cold open for last night’s Saturday Night Live, and talked about Mike Pence, Rex Tillerson, and Eminem.
And this is exactly why Alec Baldwin won the Emmy!!
If you missed last night’s Saturday Night Live, then you missed an awesome cold open with Baldwin doing his best Donald J. Trump. Kicking off the program, Baldwin’s Trump comes out to speak to a crowd about the recent goings-on involving the president in the news.
Trump brings up the incident with Mike Pence leaving a game because the players wouldn’t honor the flag during the pledge. Checking in with Pence live, Trump calls him where he’s at a Indiana Pacers game, where things seem to be going fine… until a player apparently kneels. “Bail! Haul ass, Mike!” Trump shouts, to which the Vice President obliges. Throughout the cold open, Trump continues to check in with Pence, finding new reasons to tell Pence to bail on whatever situation he’s gotten into.
The POTUS then makes some jokes about how small Bob Corker is. “He could take a nap on a quarter,” he says, before adding several more references to how small the guy. “A dermatologist found him on a mole,” he adds. “What a dumb, dumb, dumb-a-roonie,” Trump would later say about another nemesis of his, Rex Tillerson. Just like how the real president would do, Baldwin’s Trump rambles on and on about these foes of his.
But Trump would be remiss if he didn’t mention the freestyle Eminem released on the BET network, heavily criticizing the president. Bringing up the song that was played on the “bet network”, Trump says he will soon be releasing his own rap song in return on the “white entertainment network, HGTV”.
You can watch the entire cold open below.
New episodes of SNL air Saturday nights at 11:30 PM EST on NBC.