Eminem resurfaces to destroy Donald Trump in new rap

Photo via YouTube/BET
Photo via YouTube/BET /

After obliterating Donald Trump in an all new rap, many Americans are probably thinking it’d be better if Eminem were the president instead.

So if Eminem beats the president in an impromptu freestyle rap battle, does that mean he gets to become the new president??

If only it worked that way. It doesn’t, as we all know, and we’re going to be stuck with President Donald Trump for the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with him, as Eminem proves with a hilarious new freestyle rap song. You’ve got to love that freedom of speech!

Courtesy of NBC News, we have come across a video released online by Eminem. It features a rap aimed at the president, and let’s just say ol’ Donald ain’t gonna be too happy when he catches wind of it. Prepare for the angry tweets about the “overrated wrapper” Eminem to show up on his Twitter account around 3AM tonight.

You can watch the complete song here. I feel like I shouldn’t have to warn you that it’s NSFW, but it very much is so. So if you’re at work, maybe turn the volume down before hitting the play button.

After taking several shots at the president, Eminem concludes with an ultimatum for his fans. He straight up tells them through his rhymes that he’s drawing a line in the sand. They’re either with Eminem or they’re with Trump. “And if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split,” says the rapper, “On who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this!”

With that, he flips off the camera.

Like I said, we’ll have to keep an eye on Twitter to see how the president reacts to this scathing take down. But rest assured, I have no doubts that the POTUS is seething.