Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, September 10th?

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via HBO

Will there be a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, the night of September 10th, 2017? We have all the info for you here.

It’s Sunday, which can only mean one thing. It’s Last Week Tonight day! But will there be a new episode of the show tonight, or is John Oliver taking a break?

Here’s the good news: YES, there is a new episode of the show tonight! Episode 112 premieres tonight on HBO as the series remains strong heading into the closing episodes of the show’s fourth season.

Oliver hasn’t been on television since Aug. 20, making tonight’s show all the more special. On that show, he spoke about the hot button issues at the time. Namely, Donald Trump’s controversial response to the incident in Charlottesville, and the departure of Steve Bannon from the White House. But the primary focus of the show was about the nation’s nuclear waste issues, specifically what to do with our growing amounts of toxic chemicals. Oliver argues that it’s long overdue for us to actually figure out what to do about it.

As for tonight, it’s a mystery exactly what Oliver will say. Of course, we will just have to watch the show and find out. Our biggest recent news stories are about the devastation the hurricanes are causing in southern states, so we can expect Oliver to address it at least in part.

So be sure to tune in tonight to watch the new episode. If you can’t watch it live, there’s always DVR, or just use your HBO NOW or HBO GO.