Sarah Huckabee Sanders impersonator returns to Chelsea, talks Donald Trump

via Netflix
via Netflix

Chelsea Handler returned to her Netflix series after a vacation, and had “Sarah Huckabee Sanders” come back out to fill her in on what she’s missed.

We might be seeing much of Sean Spicer being made fun of on late night TV anymore… but this Sarah Huckabee Sanders stuff is no doubt just as funny!

When “Sarah Huckabee Sanders” showed up previously on Chelsea Handler’s Netflix show, it was one of the series highlights of recent memory. That’s why I’m pleased to bring you an updated video of Sanders (really impersonator Fortune Feimster) returning to Chelsea to talk about the Trump Administration!

As Handler just came back from a vacation, she’s asking Sanders to fill her in on everything she has missed. What happens next is a dead-on yet scathing impression of Mrs. Sanders, which is just as hilarious as her first appearance.

Sanders gifts Handler with a snowglobe, featuring a mini statue of Robert E. Lee instead. After Chelsea shakes it, Sanders says that it’s “a bunch of little snowflakes trying to silence history!” Chelsea then gets to asking Sanders about what all has been happening the past couple weeks in the Trump Administration, as it “seems like a real sh-t show.”

After taking a jab at Trump staring at the sun during the eclipse without glasses (saying he “rawdogged” it), Sanders is asked about Trump pardoning Joe Apaio. To that, Sanders says she should have seen the other names on the list of people they want to pardon. This includes the likes of Charles Manson, Chik-fil-a, and “Billy Cosby”. The impersonator gets so caught up in the impression that she can’t help but break character to laugh along with Handler, but it’s admittedly very freaking hilarious.

You can watch the full video below.

New episodes of Chelsea stream every Friday on Netflix.