We have a wide variety of different comics making us laugh on their late night TV shows, and here is our complete ranking of the top 10.
The world of late night TV is constantly changing. But there will always be the talk shows, no matter which comedians are hosting them any given year. Which ones are the best of the best, however? Here is our ranking of the top 10 late night TV comedians as of 2017, starting with…
10. Jimmy Fallon (The Tonight Show)
When Fallon first took over for Jay Leno on The Tonight Show, he was ranking much higher on lists like these. Perhaps that’s just because he seemed like such a significant improvement over Leno, whose act was wearing thin on modern audiences. When Jimmy came in with over-the-top games and a youthful vibe, viewers everywhere absolutely loved him.
However, since Fallon’s debut on The Tonight Show, his competition has gotten pretty fierce. He’s since gone under in the ratings to the likes of Stephen Colbert, who took over for Leno’s old rival David Letterman. Fallon has taken a lot of criticism for being too “tame” on Donald Trump and refusing to go political on his show, which may have led to a decline in his popularity.
While Fallon’s act was fresh at first, it’s just not exactly what the people of today are looking for.