Bill Maher talks Donald Trump’s new low in Real Time monologue

via HBO
via HBO

Bill Maher took to Real Time last night to dish his thoughts on Donald Trump’s response to Charlottesville, and Steve Bannon’s sudden firing.

Last night on HBO, Bill Maher began his Real Time monologue by talking about our lovely president, Donald Trump. It’s not like there was any avoiding it. Trump’s vacation isn’t going too well, says Maher, noting that his popularity is akin to the spreading of the Nile virus on a cruise ship.

Of course, Maher gets right into the topic of the week, which is white supremacy. White nationalists have been holding hate rallies, and last Saturday night in Charlottesville, one of them murdered a counter-protester. Trump stirred up a firestorm by blaming “both sides” for the incident, and even defended the Nazis by saying “they had a permit” and there are “very fine people” in their ranks.

Maher says that there are very fine people in the South, but “not the ones that go to Klan marches.” The Real Time host says that Trump can always go even lower (as the King of Low), but this time he has certainly hit a new low once again. Maher is appalled how Trump can see what happened in Charlottesville and then come out with, “Nazis: they’re just like us!”

As far as there being “violence on both sides”, Maher has trouble believing that. “Liberals don’t form militias, they form drum circles,” Maher jokes. He then points out that even if there were violence on both sides, the same can be said for World War II — and so what? We were still the good guys!

After burying Trump, Maher moves on to blasting the recently-booted Steve Bannon. “Speaking of getting rid of racist eyesores, Steve Bannon is out!” Maher reveals to his audience. Apparently the “bunker wasn’t big enough for the both of them.”

You can watch the whole monologue below.

New episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher air Friday nights on HBO.