5. Daenerys ask Jon for advice in her losing war
Finally, Daenerys learns about what happened with Grey Worm and his men. After taking Casterly Rock, their ships had been destroyed, and the source of food into the castle had been cut off. Eventually, they will all starve, so taking Casterly Rock hasn’t really worked out for them very well at all.
Daenerys is furious with this information. She even blames Tyrion at first for attempting to protect his family, their enemies. Perhaps he doesn’t really want to hurt them after all? Despite all of Tyrion’s clever planning, none of it ever seems to work out, and Daenerys feels she is losing. She is tempted to just fly her three dragons straight to the Red Keep.
Frustrated, she turns to Jon to ask what he would do. She tells him she is losing the war and needs his help. Jon reluctantly proceeds to give her his advice. He tells her straight up that he never thought he would see dragons exist, but she has proven that to be so. Jon suggests that if she just takes he dragons to bring destruction to everybody, she’s no different than someone like Cersei.