Game of Thrones: Top 10 most shocking moments from episode 704

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1. The battle has a bitter and intense ending

As the war wages on, Bronn manages to get to that giant harpoon gun thing that they’d all been protecting. Now, we get to really see it in action, as Bronn takes at the dragon with Daenerys on its back and fires, wounding it and sending it to the ground. Though hurt, the dragon still lives, and Daenerys tries to pull the spear stuck in its neck.

From the distance, Tyrion watches as Jaime notices this happening. Tyrion wishes for his brother to flee but watches in horror as Jaime tries to take Daenerys head on instead. He rushes straight towards her, but the dragon sees it and blow a big cloud of fire directly at him. Jaime surely looks to be toast by this point, but someone pushes him into the water at the last possible second to potentially save his life.

Now, though, we don’t know what’s next for Jaime. The final shot of the show sees him sinking slowly to the bottom of the lake. Is he conscious? Will they be fishing his corpse out of the water later on? I don’t know, because the credits rolled, and so I’m just going to have to wait until next week.

Be sure to tune in to HBO next Sunday night to see the fallout of this intense battle. It airs Sunday nights at 9 p.m. EST on HBO.