In the wake of Special Counsel Robert Mueller impaneling a grand jury for the Russian probe, The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert is already raising his hand.
I second Stephen Colbert… pick him!
Despite President Donald Trump and his crones’ attempts to halt or stall the Russia collusion investigation, it’s not over for him yet. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has announced that he is impaneling a grand jury for what may become a sensationalized jury trial.
“God, I wish I had jury duty!” Colbert jokes, after showing a clip of the big revelation being talked about on the news. That’s got to be the first time anyone has ever said that, as Colbert also implies. The Late Show host adds that he is “available”, should Mueller want to bring him in for a special member of said jury.
Colbert goes on to ask just how in the hell they’re going to be able to find unbiased jurors, anyway. “No, father never mentioned him in our cave-dwelling cult,” Colbert says, imitating a potential juror being asked if they knew who Donald Trump is.
But while a trial does seem very likely at this point, Colbert disclaims that it isn’t officially happening as of yet. But it is a sign that something big is about to happen. According to Colbert, it’s like stopping at the store to pick up condoms after first picking up your blind date.
You can watch Colbert say it best in the YouTube video below, thanks to CBS.
Next: Stephen Colbert exposes embarrassing Donald Trump calls
Watch new episodes of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert every single weeknight on CBS. The show airs at 11:35 p.m. EST.