Artist brings ‘Gotham’ stars into ‘Batman: The Animated Series’

via Warner Bros
via Warner Bros

A very talented Gotham fan has taken many of the main characters from the show and has drawn them as Batman: The Animated Series characters.

Perhaps this is how we save Gotham… we make it animated!

FOX’s official Batman origin series has wrapped three seasons, with a fourth set to premiere in the fall. Though it’s had its ups and downs, the show remains popular with a huge portion of the Batman fan base. For those fans who enjoy both Gotham and older televised versions of Batman, have we got a special treat for you!

Artist Rick Celis has taken to his Twitter account over the summer to release some incredibly awesome Gotham fan art. What Rick has done here is take some of the biggest Gotham characters and drawn them as if they were on Batman: The Animated Series. Longtime Batman fans see that classic cartoon as the definitive Batman series, despite being animated. So this is bound to make tons of nerds geek out.

Take a look at the tweeted photos below, straight from the artist’s Twitter account. Included characters from the show are Jim Gordon, Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Penguin, and Riddler.

Rick has even more of these things on his Twitter account and seems to still be releasing them periodically. Head on over to Twitter to find out more.

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Season 4 of Gotham will be premiering on FOX on September 21, 2017. Are you still watching the Batman-inspired series? Let us know in the comments below.