Stephen Colbert: ‘It’s official, Donald Trump is a dictator!’

ByJeremy Dick|
via CBS
via CBS

During his Late Show monologue last night, Stephen Colbert highlighted the latest shady actions from Donald Trump and officially labeled him a “dictator”.

Stephen Colbert has finally straight up said it… Donald Trump is a dictator!

On last night’s edition of The Late Show on CBS, Colbert brought up the controversies surrounding the White House lately. Just when you think the Trump Administration can’t look any worse, a new revelation comes out that does just that. And when they try to excuse their behavior, well, things somehow look even worse than that.

For example, Colbert brings up the recent secret meeting between Donald Trump, Jr. and Russian officials. When news of this meeting hit the headlines, Don Jr. tried to lie his way out of it, acting like he didn’t know who they were and only discussed “adoption”. But that excuse is just another lie according to Colbert, who reveals that President Trump himself “dictated” his son’s response to the media.

“He dictated it. It’s official… Donald Trump is a dictator!” Colbert notes, adding that he is “technically correct” as the audience erupts in cheers. You’ve got to presume Donald will be clenching his tiny little fists pretty hard once he hears about this.

Colbert then lays it into the Trump Administration even harder in the monologue, sending jabs at them left and right. He exposes how lying is simply their forte, and when they’re caught, all they can say are things like they “wanted it to be truthful”. How do you even respond to that?

You can watch the bit in the YouTube video below.

Next: Stephen Colbert is laughing about email pranks on White House

Watch new episodes of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert every weeknight at 11:35 p.m. EST on CBS. Trump will never leave him a shortage of material to talk about.