Game of Thrones gets even more intense with episode 703 ‘The Queen’s Justice’, and we’re recapping the episode by going through the 10 biggest moments.
Is it next week yet?!
Episode 703 of Game of Thrones, “The Queen’s Justice,” was one hell of a show. There’s a lot to cover here in terms of big moments, but let’s just start from the beginning… (spoilers ahead)
10. Jon Snow meets Daenerys Targaryen… and disses her
We have known the meeting between these two has been a long time coming. It was finally set up in the last episode, as Daenerys called for a meeting between them. She made it clear, however, that she fully expected Snow to bend the knee for her.
“The Queen’s Justice” begins with Jon arriving to finally meet Daenerys face to face. The introductions are pleasant enough, though Jon can’t shake the feeling that he’s walking into a trap. Fortunately, he doesn’t head into a bloody ambush, but he is asked by the mother of dragons to bend that knee.
Does Jon Snow bend the knee for Daenerys Targaryan? No, he does not! Jon does not hesitate to tell the queen that he will not jump straight into a submission for her, much to her surprise.