After releasing a very controversial photo involving Donald Trump in May, Kathy Griffin had apparently been under federal investigation.
Maybe now Kathy Griffin can put all of this headless Trump controversy behind her!
Certainly, you’re aware of the story involving Griffin and the “headless Trump” photo. Intended to make some kind of statement, Griffin released a photo of herself holding a fake severed human head. The blonde mop on top suggested that the head belonged to Donald Trump, and as you can guess, it made a lot of folks unhappy.
Griffin found herself getting tons of flak for the issue, saying that it went past the boundaries of free speech. Some went as far as to say it was a threat on the life of the president. So to presumably make sure Griffin wasn’t plotting an assassination, she had been placed under a “federal investigation” until they could clear her name.
Well, Griffin can breathe easier now, because the investigation is now over. In fact, Griffin herself revealed the news courtesy of her own Twitter account:
TODAY. The @AP has to clarify. I am no longer under federal investigation. The case is closed, I have been completely exonerated. Finally.
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) July 28, 2017
The same tweet also debunks a bogus news story claiming Griffin had been arrested while wearing a Donald Trump mask (?).
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Whether you supported Griffin or agree with others that she went too far, a federal investigation seems to be a bit much. After all, Griffin is just a comedian. Whether she’s funny or not is the true debate here, but come on, that’s certainly not a legal issue. Just something else for President Trump to cry foul about.