Seth Meyers on Trump trans ban: So, that was a lie then?

Photo via NBC
Photo via NBC

The military trans ban from Donald Trump contradicts one of his campaign promises, as Seth Meyers exposes for a new segment on Late Night.

So, it turns out Donald Trump has been caught in yet another lie. But at this point, is it even possible to surprise any of us anymore with that kind of revelation?

Early yesterday morning, President Trumped hopped on Twitter to state his intentions on banning transgender Americans from joining the military. Trump cites expensive “medical costs” and “disruption” among the ranks by letting them serve. But there’s a major problem here — this directly goes against a promise Trump made to the LGBT community during his campaign.

On last night’s Late Night, host Seth Meyers spoke about the tweets, using them as the basis for a new segment he’s calling, “Sooo… that was a lie then?” After the introduction of the segment, old footage is played of Trump on the campaign trail speaking on LGBT rights. He actually had this to say:

"“As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens…”"

At that moment, Meyers interjects, saying, “This has been, ‘Sooo… that was a lie then?'” No other jokes are even necessary at that point. Comparing Trump’s newest tweets to this video footage speaks volumes. But, of course, it’s just another lie on the mountain of them Trump has been building up for a long, long time.

You can watch the bit below.

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For more of Seth Meyers, you can catch him every single weeknight! Late Night airs at 12:35 a.m. EST on NBC.