Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, July 16th?

ByJeremy Dick|
Credit: HBO
Credit: HBO

It is Sunday, July 16th, and you may be wondering if there’s a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight. I’ve got the answer here!

Might we see the one and only John Oliver coming back to HBO tonight with an all new episode of Last Week Tonight?

Unfortunately, the answer is NO. I’m sorry to break this bad news to you. Somebody had to, though, and it might as well be me. But as bad luck would have it for you, there isn’t a new episode of Last Week Tonight on tonight.

That doesn’t mean Oliver wasn’t on television at all this week. He did appear as a guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert recently, in one of the funniest episodes of the show in recent memory. During Oliver’s hiatus from HBO, it’s still nice to have him cracking us up on TV in some capacity.

As far as new episodes, they’re on the way. Season 4 is still going on, but the show is just taking a break for a few weeks. All of us fans of Oliver will have him entertaining us some more before this summer is all said and done!

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So, Oliver isn’t back on HBO tonight, but that’s okay, because he’ll be back later this month. He will be returning with all new episodes on July 30th, 2017. Season 4 of this amazing show isn’t over just yet, so check back then!