An all new expose book about Steve Bannon is hitting bookshelves, but if you ain’t got the time for that, just listen to Stephen Colbert’s CliffNotes.
I’m guessing not everybody wants to read a book about Steve Bannon. Not even if it’s about how much of a corrupt sleazebag he is. So while the new expose about him, “Devil’s Bargain”, may contain some amusing (but depressing) anecdotes about Bannon, do you really want to devote that much time on the guy?
I know I wouldn’t, which is why I’m very grateful for Stephen Colbert. He took to his opening monologue on last night’s Late Show to talk about the new book. While it’s not out yet, Colbert reveals an excerpt detailing Bannon’s rivalry with Jared Kushner — just one example of the many supposedly juicy stories found inside.
For people like me who are too lazy to read books, there are “CliffNotes” versions which basically give you the gist of everything in far fewer pages. That’s basically what this segment of the monologue becomes, as Colbert reveals a few more stories. This includes Donald Trump asking Bannon about “creating an outside war room to put a prophylactic around the Oval Office.”
“So, at least now we know, Trump is using protection when he’s screwing us,” Colbert adds.
Colbert dishes a few more details about the book, which you can check out in the YouTube video posted below.
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For more of Stephen Colbert, tune in to The Late Show weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST on CBS.